Joint Replacement Surgeon in Vijayawada

joint replacement surgery in Vijayawada

Joint Replacement is surgery that is recommended for patients suffering with advanced end stage joint ailment who have attempted non-surgical therapy, yet encountered functional deterioration and devastating pain. Joint replacement is an incredibly viable medical procedure when done at the ideal time and indication.

Modern joint replacement procedure includes expulsion of the worn cartilage from the two sides of the joint, trailed by reemerging of the joint with a metal and plastic replacement implant that appears and functions similar to normal joint. Albeit essentially every joint in the body can be supplanted, most replacement procedures include the hip or knee.

Hip and knee replacements are the most normally performed joint replacements, however replacement surgery can be performed on different joints by joint replacement surgeon in Vijayawada that includes the ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow.

When Joint Replacement is recommended?

A few conditions can lead to joint pain and inability and lead patients to opt for joint replacement surgery. Joint pain is brought about by harm to the ligament that lining the ends of the bones (articular ligament)— either from joint pain, a fracture, or another condition.

On the off chance that nonsurgical medicines like drugs, physiotherapy, and movement alterations don't diminish your aggravation and disability, doctor might suggest joint replacement.

What joints do muscular specialists supplant?

Usually, surgeons replace the knee joint, hip joint or shoulder joint. Providers call these procedures hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty and shoulder arthroplasty.

At present, surgeons can replace in all of the following joints:

  • Elbows
  • Ankles
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Toes
  • Wrists

What occurs before arthroplasty (joint replacement)?

Your surgeon, Dr M. Narendra kumar will assist you in preparing for the procedure. They might suggest physical therapy, exercise or a diet program for you to continue in the weeks paving the way to medical procedure. These programs can guarantee that you're healthy for the surgery.

Before arthroplasty, you might require a few tests to assess your general wellbeing like blood work, an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray. Contingent upon your wellbeing history, you might have to visit your doctor for pre-operative assessment. A few procedures require a MRI or CT scan for surgical planning.

Discuss with your doctor at Joint replacement hospitals in Vijayawada about your health history and any meds you take. You might have to quit taking specific drugs (like blood thinners) before medical procedure. Your doctor will advise you to quit eating and drinking the night prior to your procedure.


Total joint replacement surgery requires a couple of hours. The procedure is carried out in a joint replacement hospital in Vijayawada or outpatient surgery center.

During the medical procedure at orthopedic hospitals in Vijayawada, the damaged ligament and bone is eliminated by joint pain specialist in AP from your joint and supplanted with prosthetic parts made of metal, plastic, or ceramic. The prosthesis emulates the shape and development of a natural joint. For instance, in a arthritic hip, the harmed ball (the upper finish of the femur) is supplanted with a metal ball appended to a metal stem that is fitted into the femur, and a plastic socket is implanted into the pelvis, supplanting the harmed socket.

Make an appointment with arthroplasty surgeon in AP for joint pain treatment in Vijayawada.

Arthroplasty can assist with people who are suffering with joint pain and stiffness get back to the activities they enjoy. Many individuals regain mobility and carry on with a more dynamic lifestyle after a joint replacement. Yet, everybody recuperates in a different way and you might have to make changes to your activities to shield your new joint. Prior to medical procedure, have an open interaction with your provider about what you can anticipate following the operation. It's important to have realistic expectations. For the best outcomes, adhere to a PT program and adhere to your provider's directions during recuperation.